Ezra's First Birthday Party

mount eden, new zealand

Four years ago, a group of women and their partners joined an antenatal class in Mount Eden to learn a few basics about motherhood and the newborn stage ... and here they are now still coming together to celebrate the first birthday of yet another addition to the group.

I was talking to one mother about how rare and special this connection was, that they still regularly meet and seem so connected in their daily lives. There was no awkwardness between the children whose laughter echoed from every room, and you could feel the closeness these parents shared.

The highlight of the afternoon for me was the bubble machine on the back deck that was paired not with toddler tunes, but with some old school hip-hop. Remind me to adopt this approach for all future children's parties please ...

We ended the evening with a delicious three-tiered lemon cake, courtesy of Suzie herself, and a some celebratory glasses of champagne. Thank you Suzie for inviting me to document Ezra's special day!